My voice

Noah Eastman
1 min readFeb 15, 2022

I found it!

You found what?

My voice!

My very own, it sounds so nice!

like water hugging stones,

an empty shore waiting—


for me to arrive.


I found it.

My own way to talk, walk, sing, and dance.

The perfect shoes I found within,


Toes throb and mourn the wrong ones.

I tortured my body looking for my own way

to pronounce delight.


I walked along the shore,

bag packed with the essentials,

no more, no less.

Whose kidding,

I missed a couple things

but enough, I found it!


I found it!


I found it!!


I found it!!!!!!

I will shout this.

I will not pipe down, calmaté

silencia, siéntete.

I won. I am enough.

and now…grief is for me as I

divorce all the heavy weight i gathered in pursuit of beauty,

that I found,

Thankfully. Thankfully. O, so, Thankfully.

on the black shore alone, singing, ringing


My voice.

My own, simple way to phrase and

engage with life.

Now, I can finally hear

the song,

the waves make.



Noah Eastman

pay attention. be astonished. tell about it. -Mary Oliver